Letter 1 – Aladdin’s Cave of Wonders

Amazing. Simply amazing. For me going to see Katherine Jackson is like stepping into Aladdin’s Cave Of Wonders. Once you venture down into her South Kensington salon anything is possible….

Today for example I went to see her for my regular session and whilst I was lying there, feeling as ever safe in her steady and experienced hands, I merely enquired about a very small red mark on my chin. It has been there for a long time and is really of no great concern but I thought if anyone would know anything about such things it would be Katherine.

Sure enough she told me exactly what it was.
Then she told me how to remove it.
And then she did.

Right then and there in Aladdin’s Cave she produced a tiny gold needle from her treasure trove of remedies and in under a minute the mark was gone.

As I was on my way out of the door I happened to mention that I had had a pounding headache all day. “Why didn’t you tell me? Come back in and lie down.”

I was whisked back to the bed for the most divine head massage I have ever had in my life. When I got up not only was my headache of course gone (I would expect nothing less when in the Cave Of Wonders) but my head actually felt like it was no longer attached to my body.

I left feeling restored and rejuvenated and decided that I would definitely be complaining of a headache every visit from now on.

Thank you Katherine for your time, your care and your individually tailored touch.

All the best and see you soon,
